Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is your combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

In order for my three text to work together I featured my actors in both the Poster and Trailer.I believed this was important as It establishes my characters and creates an character idenity.However I only featured my female actress In my magazine cover. I believe if I had featured my main male actor this would have worked better with trailer and poster considering it establishes that he is the main character.I still think it worked well considering the girl is featured on both the magazine and poster so the audience are aware that she is in the film.
On my film poster I made the main image of my male lead and the brick a cartoon look. I did not decide to feature this effect on my magazine cover as I used it to relfect the characters personality and he is not featured on the magazine. I did not inculde it in my teaser trailer as I believed it to hard to do and considering it is the teaser trailer and not the full length trailer I believed it did not need to be featured.
In my Poster and Magazine Cover I have used the same mis en scene of the brick wall. I believe that this is effective as the mis en scene is essential is establishing the setting of my film and be recongnised by my audience. However I do believe that I could of established it better if I had featured it in the  teaser trailer.Considering it was only the teaser trailer and not the full length trailer meant that it did not have to feature alot of the film, therefore featuring the same misen scene was not that vital.

On the Magazine cover the name of the film is featured on the Magazine. I used to establish that this issue of the magazine was going to based around my film. Instead of using the same font and colour for the film name I decided to keep it the same as the font of the other text on the magazine cover. I decided to do this as I believe that my audience wouldn't have to read the name of the film due to the image of my main actress on the front cover. From the start of my trailer I featured my charatcers aswell.I believe this was a good way of enforcing star persona. I believed it would appeal to my deomgraphic of teenagers as the film is based around teenagers so I believed creating a character/star person was vital is appelaing to my audience. I did decide to have the same type of font on my Poster and in the trailer.

The name of my magazine is cinema central meaning that it was a mainstream film magazinie which featured many mainstream films.
I decided to put the release date on my magazine cover as a summer date as this is a usual time period to be released. The stories I inculded on my magazine cover were of those of mainstream films.I have also featured the release date in my film trailer.

I decided to make my film mainstream.I established this by the genre and storyline. apply ed more conventions In my trailer I featured my institution. I featured my my film on a mainstream magazine. However I believe I could of use more conventions of mainstream magazine covers such as placing the magazine title behind the main image. This is convention of mainstream magazine considering the audience are aware are aware of the brand identity.
At the start of the trailer I featured my institution. This was a way of establishing it was mainstream.

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